What is the Library's mission statement?
To advance literacy, inspire lifelong learning and strengthen our community by serving everyone in Ouachita Parish
When will the Library close for holidays?
2024 - 2025 |
Christmas 2024 | Tuesday, December 24 Wednesday, December 25 Thursday, December 26 Friday, December 27 |
New Year's Holiday 2024 | Tuesday, December 31 Wednesday, January 1 |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day | Monday, January 20 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
President's Day | Monday, February 17 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Easter | Friday, April 18 Saturday, April 19 |
Memorial Day | Monday, May 26 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Juneteenth | Thursday, June 19 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Independence Day | Friday, July 4 Saturday, July 5 |
Labor Day | Monday, September 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thanksgiving | Thursday, November 27 Friday, November 28 |
Christmas 2025 | Wednesday, December 24 Thursday, December 25 Friday, December 26 Saturday, December 27 |
New Year's Holiday 2025 | Wednesday, December 31 Thursday, January 1 |
All Library branches close at 5 pm the day before a holiday closure. |
Who are the members of the Library Board of Control?
The Ouachita Parish Public Library is governed by a Library Board of Control. Board members are committed to ensuring all citizens of the parish have a library system that is a model for the entire state. Board members are appointed by the Ouachita Parish Police Jury. Current members are:
- Betty Ward Cooper - President
- Darris Waren - Vice President
- Alex McMorris
- Wyman Mardis
- Kathy F. Craig
- Misti Cordell
- Larry Bratton - Police Jury, ex-officio member
- Nancy Green - Secretary and Interim Library Director
*Contact the Administrative offices at (318) 327-1490 Ext. 3002 for Library Board of Control contact information.
When and where does the Board of Control meet?
Library Board of Control
Date | Location |
December 12 | Main Branch |
January 9 | Main Branch |
February 13 | Main Branch |
March 13 | Main Branch |
April 10 | Main Branch |
May 8 | Main Branch |
June 12 | Main Branch |
July 10 | Main Branch |
August 14 | Main Branch |
September 11 | Main Branch |
October 9 | Main Branch |
November 13 | Main Branch |
December 11 | Main Branch |
All meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at noon unless advertised to the contrary. |
Circulation and Borrowing Policy
We are happy to encourage all residents of our parish to obtain a library card. Your Ouachita Parish Public Library card allows you to enjoy the many resources of our Library and is your ticket to hours of reading, listening, and viewing pleasure. With the card, you have access to our online databases, downloadable eBooks, eServices, and library catalog. An application for a card is available at any of the Library's ten locations, as well as our Bookmobile. Your Library card can be used at any branch to check out books, recordings, framed artwork, periodicals, videos, CDs, and eServices. Children's cards (under age 18) have some checkout and download restrictions.
To get a Ouachita Parish Public Library card you must present a photo ID and a piece of U.S. mail showing your address. You must be 18 years or older to get a card without a parent/guardian signature. Until your card is processed, you will only be able to check out two items.
Remember, you are responsible for any materials checked out on your card. If you forget your card and you are in good standing with the Library, you may use your valid Louisiana driver's license for checkout, but it does not take the place of your Library card. You are encouraged to use your Library card instead of your driver's license. Your Library card will have empowerment features such as eService access.
The due date of your items can be located either on the printed receipt you can request at the checkout desk or
by eReceipt, which can be texted or emailed to you. eReceipts are a much more environmentally friendly option that we encourage. You can also check your account online through the online catalog and on the OPPL iLibrary mobile app for due dates and a list of all items checked out. Be sure to check your receipt for all return dates.
The fine for all overdue materials is $.25 per day. These materials are inspected after each use and damages assessed if needed. Please pay fines upon returning items. Items may be returned to any branch of the Ouachita Parish Public Library System regardless of checkout location.
If you have not finished using the materials by the end of the loan period, you may renew them by calling our Telephone Messaging System, our automated telephone renewal service, at 327-1497. Items can also be renewed via our catalog in your account as well as with our OPPL iLibrary mobile app. Renewals are only permitted if no one else has requested the item. Items can be renewed, one time only, for an additional loan period depending on type. If your items are overdue, they cannot be renewed. Please return more popular books as soon as possible due to the high volume of requests.
Please contact the Circulation Department for any additional questions or information at
(318) 327-1490.
DVD Borrowing Policy
Borrowers must have a valid Ouachita Parish Public Library card with no outstanding charges and must be at least 18 years old. If you live in another parish, you must have a Trail Blazer card, which may be obtained at your local parish library.
Videos and DVDs are loaned for a period of 7 days. There is a limit of 10 DVDs per adult card at a time. Overdue fines are $.25 per day for each overdue video or DVD. Trail Blazer cards are limited to 4 DVDs per card. Please contact the Circulation Desk at any of our locations if you have additional questions.
Video/DVD item requests may be made at any branch of the Ouachita Parish Public Library system. Requests may also be placed on the public computers provided by the Ouachita Parish Public Library or from any personal home computer through our online services. Renewals may also be made through the OPPL iLibrary mobile app. Requests will be filled in the order they are placed, regardless of the branch that houses the item or the branch where the request is placed. Video/DVD materials may be returned to any branch of the Ouachita Parish Public Library.
The borrower is responsible for any damages to Video/DVD materials (including the case) while checked out on their card. Senior citizens are not exempt from damaged item charges. VHSs should be rewound before being returned. Video/DVD materials may be renewed only one time and they may be brought into the library for renewal, by calling TeleCirc (our automated renewal service) at 327-1497, or by using the Patron Account page located in the Library's Catalog System. Renewals are allowed only if the item has not been renewed before or if it has not been requested by another patron. This is consistent with book renewal process.
Video/DVD materials that are being shown to a group, such as a daycare, schools, or churches, must have public performance rights so as not to be in violation of copyright laws. These are usually clearly marked and a notation is provided within the computer item record. Patrons may check with the library before showing an item if they desire more information on copyright laws. Staff will not knowingly check out non-public performance materials for use in a group setting.
Electronic Access and Internet Policy
I. Mission
"Freedom of expression is an inalienable human right and the foundation for self-government. Freedom of expression encompasses the freedom of speech and the corollary right to receive information. These rights extend to children as well as adults.
Libraries and librarians protect and promote these rights by selecting, producing, providing access to, identifying, retrieving, organizing, providing instruction in the use of, and preserving recorded expression regardless of the format or technology." (ALA Draft Version 1.1, Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks)
The Library's mission is to provide patrons with the best and most current possible resources. It is the library's desire to offer access to a resourceful electronic environment for the use of all of the citizens of Ouachita Parish.
II. Electronic Resources and Users Responsibility
Use of electronic resources is considered a privilege and is intended primarily for information and research. Equal access to that information is a cornerstone of the Library's mission. These online resources contain a wealth of valuable information. However, users should be aware that some information may be inaccurate, outdated, or offensive. Your use of these resources carries with it a responsibility to evaluate the quality of the information accessed. Parents, not the Library, are responsible for the use of these resources by their children.
III. Prohibited Uses
Workstation use is a privilege. It may not be used for illegal, unauthorized, unethical or commercial purposes.
Manipulation of internal hardware and or software is strictly prohibited, including uploading of any software. Perpetrators of malicious damage to the system will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Transmitting or downloading any material in violation of state or federal law is not permitted. It is not permitted to send, receive, or display text or graphics which may reasonably be construed as obscene. Patrons may not copy or download any material in violation of copyright law.
Library staff has the right to determine the appropriateness of workstation use and can, at any time, require the patron to leave the workstation. Patrons who refuse to abide by the Library's internet policy will lose the privilege of using the workstation. Since workstations are in the public area, patrons may be asked to leave a workstation if the graphical material displayed is offensive.
Prohibited uses will result in the loss of workstation privileges. The first offense will result in loss of use for the remainder of the day. The second offense will result in loss of use for a week. The third offense will result in loss of use of the workstation permanently or at the discretion of the Director. Appeals of such should be made to the Director in accordance with the Library's general policy.
IV. Limitations
Age: All patrons should and will have equal access to all forms of information. However, because of the high cost and delicate nature of complex electronic and mechanical equipment, children age 12 and under will be required to be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian when using the workstation. Unaccompanied children must present their library card to the staff to verify age. Only children 12 and under will be allowed to use Children's Room workstations as adequate workstations for adult use are provided.
Workstations located in the Genealogy Department are for the exclusive use of patrons conducting genealogical research. All others will be asked to use the general adult workstations located near the Reference Department.
V. Acceptable Uses (Examples)
- Research and educational information
- Unstructured navigation ("surfing") of the Internet to locate sites of interest and to hone usage skills.
- Printing from full-text databases
- Downloading (with library administration permission) of public domain software on flash drives provided by and purchased from the library. Downloading of software and files not in the public domain is a violation of copyright law and is expressly prohibited.
VI. Costs
There is no charge for basic use of the workstation. Patrons will assume the cost of printing information and graphics at the current Library photocopying cost per page. Downloading onto flash drives will be permitted at no charge if the patron supplies the flash drive. If you do not have a flash drive but wish to purchase one, please ask the librarian at the Reference Desk for assistance.
VII. Patron Requests
Electronic information and technology is emerging, expanding, and changing constantly. The Library encourages Ouachita Parish citizens to make use of this new technology and welcomes comments and suggestions regarding policies governing use. The Library administration is aware that as the environment changes policy may have to change, too. To this end, this policy will remain constantly in a state of review and adjusted when necessary to meet this parish’s electronic information needs. Comments and suggestions may be made to the Library Director in person, over the telephone, or in writing.
Interlibrary Loan Policy (ILL)
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service to provide materials that are unavailable in the Ouachita Parish Public Library system. Eligible patrons can use ILL to borrow materials from other libraries. Items that can be borrowed include books, magazines, audio-visual materials, and photocopied articles, pamphlets, etc. Most items are loaned without charge.
Patrons must have an active OPPL library card in good standing. The card must have an adult status (18 years or older) and be in the name of the patron requesting the material. Trail Blazer patrons and patrons who live outside the parish are not eligible to use the ILL service. These patrons may initiate ILL requests through their home parish library's ILL service.
Request forms are located at the Reference Desk of all OPPL's branches. These can be filled out and returned to reference staff. A patron may request up to five items at a time. The patron or staff should verify that the system does not have the materials before submitting the request.
When submitting a magazine/journal article request the patron must give all of the necessary information such as name of magazine, name of article, the date of magazine (or volume and number) and the pages of the article. Charges are usually incurred for articles copied by another library. Fees up to $5.00 an article can be charged. These fees are charged by the lending library not OPPL.
Materials Available to Borrow
Materials borrowed are books, magazines, DVDs, or copied articles (see application), copied files of vertical file material. New material (6 months or newer) is hard to borrow and is usually not loaned therefore ILL requests cannot be taken for new items.
Materials not borrowed by OPPL include genealogy and reference materials. Genealogy and reference material can be photocopied with fees when the patron can provide full bibliographic information (title, date, page numbers).
Time Period and Notification
It takes approximately one week to two weeks for in-state material to arrive. Out-of-state or hard to obtain material can take longer (over two weeks). The ILL or reference staff will notify the patron by phone when the materials are in and are available to be checked out. If the patron has not been contacted about materials after two weeks, please contact the ILL dept to inquire on the status of the request.
Condition of Loan
The lending library specifies the length of time materials can be kept, usually two weeks.
ILL materials cannot be renewed.
Some exceptions may apply to the loan. "In-house use only" material cannot be checked out and must be used in the library only. These items are usually textbooks, reference type books, film, or expensive multi volume material.
Some materials require a deposit before the item is allowed to be checked out. These items are expensive ($60.00 value or more) and this deposit ensures the material will be returned to the lending library.
An ILL request is available at the Reference Desk of any of the branches including the Main branch where the department is located.
Citizens Request for Reconsideration of library materials
Citizen's Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials
Please email completed forms to ngreen@oplib.org or lbosworth@oplib.org
Citizens Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials
Citizens Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials
Please email completed forms to ngreen@oplib.org or lbosworth@oplib.org
Juvenile Library Card Update
All libraries in the State of Louisiana are now required by law to implement options for restricted juvenile library card access. On June 1, 2024, the Ouachita Parish Public Library will begin updating library cards for all minor children aged 0-17. Parents and guardians can update the type of access at their convenience at any library location with a photo ID. All juvenile library cards will expire and need to be updated. In order to check out materials or use digital resources, an updated form will be necessary. The parent or guardian can complete the application and signature without the child present.
Parents and guardians are encouraged to exercise their rights and responsibilities to decide upon the level of access and materials their children will have.
Juvenile library card unrestricted - allows access to books, audiobooks, magazines, and digital resources within all collections.
Juvenile library card restricted - allows access to books, audiobooks and magazines but prohibits access to all eBooks, eAudiobooks and items identified as restricted under Louisiana Revised Statue 25:225.
DVDs, art prints and special collection items are designated for adult cards only.
How do I contact Library staff?
The Main Branch serves as the Library system's administrative headquarters.
Position | Phone Number | |
Main Branch Manager | hpriestley@oplib.org | 318.327.1490 |
Anna Meyer Branch Manager | smcgarey@oplib.org | 318.327.1351 |
Carver-McDonald Branch Manager | jpowell@oplib.org | 318.327.1477 |
Louise Williams Branch Manager | twright@oplib.org | 318.327.5422 |
Ollie Burns Memorial Branch Manager | jhdavis@oplib.org | 318.327.1235 |
Ouachita Valley Branch Manager | srobinson@oplib.org | 318.327.1470 |
Cpl. J.R. Searcy Memorial Branch Manager | vpowell@oplib.org | 318.327.1240 |
Sterlington Memorial Branch Manager | ccalhoun@oplib.org | 318.327.1382 |
West Monroe Branch Manager | ncollins@oplib.org | 318.327.1365 |
West Ouachita Branch Manager | kbyrd@oplib.org | 318.327.5413 |
Bookmobile Branch Manager | kdemoss@oplib.org | 318.327.1490 |
Head of Genealogy and Special Collections | crobertson@oplib.org | 318.327.1490 |
Acting Library Director | ngreen@oplib.org | 318.327.1490 |
Assistant Director | lbosworth@oplib.org | 318.327.1490 |
Head of IT | hpriestley@oplib.org | 318.327.1490 |
Business Manager | ccastle@oplib.org | 318.327.1490 |
Youth Services Coordinator | lbosworth@oplib.org | 318.327.1490 |
Head of Technical Services | jdavis@oplib.org | 318.327.1490 |
Operations Coordinator | agee@oplib.org | 318.327.1490 |
How can I apply for a job at the Library?
Join our team. The Ouachita Parish Public Library is located in the beautiful twin cities of Monroe/West Monroe in northeast Louisiana. The Library system consists of 10 branches plus a bookmobile. Ouachita Parish Public Library serves a population of 156,325 and is proud to be one of the top libraries in the state.
The Library offers benefits, including an excellent retirement system, vacations, sick leave and health insurance. Employees may advance to higher positions according to their abilities, qualifications, education, based on the needs of the library. A criminal background check and drug screening are part of the pre-hire process. The screening will be done by an independent laboratory with the cost to be covered by the library. Ouachita Parish Public Library is an at-will, equal opportunity employer.
Current Library employees are given three days priority in applying for the vacant position before outside applicants will be considered. Library employees may still apply after the designated deadline but priority will not be given.
Applications and resumes may be submitted in person at any Library branch or can be emailed to Gloria Reeves at greeves@oplib.org. Click here for the official application form, or by picking one up at the Library Administrative Office. For more information call 318.327.1490 or email (greeves@oplib.org). Applications may be returned online or in person at any Library branch.
What are the current employment opportunities at the Library?
Updated 3/10/2025
What is the Friends of Ouachita Public Library?
The Friends of the Ouachita Public Library is a nonprofit organization that supports activities and programs of the Library.
When is the Book Sale?
The Friends of the Library hold a book sale on the last Friday and Saturday of every month at the West Ouachita Branch.
How can I become a Friend?
Download the form below, print it out, fill it out and mail it to this address:
Friends of the Ouachita Public Library
1800 Stubbs Avenue
Monroe, LA 71201
Who can I contact to learn more about the Friends?
The Friends are always looking for volunteers to help with the Book Sale.
Please call 318.327.1490 ext. 3041 or email: agreer@oplib.org.
What is the history of the Library?
The Ouachita Parish Public Library began in 1916 in a one-room building with 731 donated books and has grown into one of the largest and busiest libraries in the state of Louisiana with ten branches and a bookmobile that circulate over one million items a year.
The first mention of a library in Monroe was in 1884. Mrs. Louisa Lamy McGuire willed her late husband’s office on Wood Street and his law books in the hopes it would be used as a public library. A Public Library Association was established and a letter to the editor in the August 2, 1884 Monroe Bulletin from Mr. Ralph Prosser relates the progress of the association, “In the middle of last April, a meeting of the Board of Directors was held at the office of Messrs. Millsaps & Scholars, Mr. Franklin Garrett presided. At this meeting, among other committees, one was appointed, of which I was chairman, to solicit contributions for repairs of the building and the necessary preparation of it for books.” In 1899, the building was given to the Ouachita Guards for use as an armory and the books were given to the new Monroe City High School’s library.
During 1913, several Library Association meetings were held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms for the purpose of obtaining a public library. In 1915, Mrs. Jessie Sadler, President of the Civic League of Monroe appointed a library committee with Mrs. Walter L. Jones serving as chair. Mrs. Jones solicited members to join the committee for a fee of $2.50 each in the hopes of establishing a library. During this time, Judge A. A. Gunby found the will of Mrs. Louise L. McGuire and the bequest of the building on Wood Street. The building was repaired and The Book Club and the Twentieth Century Book Club donated books. A trained, experienced librarian was hired and the Monroe Public Library opened May 8, 1916.
Important Dates
May 8, 1916 - Monroe Public Library opens at 119 Wood Street, Monroe
January 28, 1921 - Library opens on 418 Jackson Street, home donated by Anna Ruth Meyer
September 1940 -Monroe Public Library becomes Ouachita Parish Public Library
October 8, 1941 - West Monroe Branch opens at 307 Wood Street, West Monroe
May 3, 1946 - West Monroe Branch relocates to the corner of Natchitoches and Cypress
April 1, 1948 - Bookmobile service was established
Summer 1948 - First Summer Reading Club for children
February 6, 1949 - Carver Branch opens at 109 ½ Powell’s Alley, Monroe
April 15, 1949 - Ouachita Parish Public Library receives the Modisette Award
February 12, 1950 - Carver relocates to 116 North 10th Street, Monroe
June 1, 1958 - West Monroe Branch relocates to 315 Cypress Street, West Monroe
April 12, 1959 - New Main Branch opens at 1800 Stubbs Avenue, Monroe
October 30, 1960 - Anna Meyer Branch, 418 Jackson Street, remodeled
December 18, 1964 - Carver Branch relocates to 2941 Renwick Street, Monroe
January 12, 1969 - Joseph Bennett McGuire Genealogy Room opens at Main Branch
June 5, 1977 - Ouachita Valley Branch opens at 601 McMillan Road, West Monroe
July 16, 1978 - Open house for newly remodeled Main Branch, 1800 Stubbs Avenue
June 22, 1994 - Anna Meyer Branch relocates to 1808 U.S. Highway 165 South, Monroe
December 16, 2001 - West Ouachita Branch opens at 188 Hwy 546, West Monroe
August 20, 2005 - Louise Williams Branch opens at 140 Bayou Oaks Drive, Monroe
June 14, 2007 - Sterlington Memorial Branch opens at 305 Keystone Road, Monroe
June 11, 2009 - Carver renamed Carver-McDonald Branch in honor of Odalie McDonald
August 12, 2010 - Ollie Burns Memorial Branch opens at 5601 Hwy 165 By-Pass, Richwood
February 10, 2011 - Cpl. J.R. Searcy Memorial Branch opens at 5775 Jonesboro Road, West Monroe
Head Librarians
1916: Alice Gillam
1916–1917: Edith Gunby
1917–1932: Lillian Mitchell Williamson
1933–1939: Edith Townes
1939–1940: Gertrude Brown, acting librarian
1941–1946: Frances Michie
1945–1946: Marie Powers, acting librarian
1946–1973: Frances Flanders
1973–1978: Julia Avant
1978–1991: Agnes Harris
1991–2001: Ben Brady
2001–2010: Cheryl Cooper Mouliere
2010–2021: Robin Toms
2021-present Nancy Green, acting director
What is the Library's mailing address?
All mail can be sent to the Main Branch Library at:
Ouachita Parish Public Library
1800 Stubbs Avenue
Monroe, LA 71201
What is the Library's phone number?
Can I email a librarian?
Yes. You can email any questions about the Library or any research questions to help@oplib.org. If you have a question specific to Family & Local History, Genealogy, or Special Collections, then email genealogy_SC@oplib.org.