Title: The useful book : 201 life skills they used to teach in home ec and shop
Author: Bowers, David, 1962- author.
Author: Bowers, David, 1962- author.
ISBN: 9781452166278
Title: Girls garage : how to use any tool, tackle any project, and build the world you want to see
Author: Pilloton, Emily, author.
Title: Girls garage : how to use any tool, tackle any project, and build the world you want to see
Author: Pilloton, Emily, author.
ISBN: 1328995070
Title: Thank you for coming to my TED talk : a teen guide to great public speaking
Author: Anderson, Chris, 1957 January 14- author.
Title: Thank you for coming to my TED talk : a teen guide to great public speaking
Author: Anderson, Chris, 1957 January 14- author.
ISBN: 1631064622
Title: Fizz boom bath! : Learn how to make your own bath bombs, body scrubs, and more!
Author: Bercaw, Isabel, author.
Title: Fizz boom bath! : Learn how to make your own bath bombs, body scrubs, and more!
Author: Bercaw, Isabel, author.
ISBN: 0600610187
Title: Simple magic tricks : easy-to-learn magic tricks with everyday objects
Author: Allen, Jon, 1968-
Title: Simple magic tricks : easy-to-learn magic tricks with everyday objects
Author: Allen, Jon, 1968-
ISBN: 9781631595813
Title: Creative coding in python : 30+ programming projects in art, games, and more
Author: Vaidyanathan, Sheena, author.
Title: Creative coding in python : 30+ programming projects in art, games, and more
Author: Vaidyanathan, Sheena, author.